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Bearden Creek Falls – Dawsonville, GA

We kicked off the new year with a hike at Bearden Creek Falls, near Dawsonville, GA. Considering Godfrey’s age (he’s 10 years old now if you’re keeping track), I chose an easy trail as he gets a little stiff after these hikes now. It was brisk in the late morning but refreshing compared to the heat of the summer.

I’ve always preferred winter hikes; there’s something about not sweating through your clothes that makes the experience all the more enjoyable. The trail is now well marked with new blue blazes, which made navigation easier.

The stream crossings are the highlight and one in particular was a bit tricky. Someone placed a log across the stream but it wasn’t really secure and both feet ended up in the stream when it wobbled. Par for the course!

The forecast calls for snow tomorrow. If the amount that’s forecast falls it’ll be the most I’ve seen since moving to Georgia. I know from experience though that it won’t stick around long here.

We didn’t make it all the way to the top of the falls today. I decided to turn back early to ensure Godfrey wouldn’t get too worn out. It was still an entertaining hike though.

Godfrey was pretty sore the next day even though the hike was easy. I found some canine aspirin though at PetSmart which surprisingly helped him out a great deal. He went from not wanting to go up and down the stairs to full mobility by the next morning.


Length: 3.39 mi
Avg. Pace: 28:08

Elev. Gain: 489 ft
Calories: 772

Moving Time: 1:35:20
Total Time: 1:44:21

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