We had a great hike today. We went roughly 6 miles, saw a beautiful waterfall, a pretty cool train trestle (I annoyingly keep saying trellis in the video & audio because I couldn’t think of the word while recording), and got off track a couple times.
To start I couldn’t find the trail head. The trail head is located behind a nature center at the end of the Toccoa Falls parking lot. The trail head is not marked. There is a sign board at the head but with nothing on the sign. I used the Alltrails app with the map I downloaded to walk around until I found that elusive trail head.
There are several water crossings and most are small and easy but you may get your feet wet on at least two of them. Dead Man’s Branch is a straight forward trail with mild inclines. It’s a bit rocky in spots with those rocks covered in moss and could be slippery when they’re wet. Some of the trail is also a little narrow but certainly not too narrow.
After getting to the end of Dead Man’s Branch I headed over to the trail that leads to Contentment Falls. It’s just down the road about 50 yards or so. That trail is not just for hiking it’s also used for off-roading and ATVs. It’s a pretty wide trail until you get to Contentment Falls. The falls are very cool and I failed to capture how nice it really was in my pictures. Sometimes I get bogged down with paying attention to my dog Godfrey and lose sight of capturing the scene.
After the falls I continued down the trail that connects with the Trestle Trail Loop. I found this part of the trail hard to follow. I lost the trail several times but was able to stay moving in the right direction using the Alltrails map that I downloaded ahead of time. After reaching the trestle I had no problem following the rest of the trail.
Never pass up a chance to take a hike in June in Georgia when the temperatures are staying in the upper 70s and lower 80s. It doesn’t get more pleasant than that.

Here’s a map of the trail and my stats as compiled from the AllTrails app.

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